Science Labs at Emerson/Da Vinci Jr. High


The first series of DJUSD projects funded by the Bond Program was the construction of new science labs at the Emerson/ Da Vinci Junior High School campus. This project provides four new science labs that are consistent with the Next Generation Science Standards.

Current Design

As with any project, we carefully balanced expectations, program goals, and costs. 
View the schematic drawing and the renderings for the science labs.

Scope of Work

Each classroom is 1,440 square feet and includes eight dedicated lab stations as well as flexible furniture to support lecture and small group instruction. In addition to the new science labs, two dedicated science preparation rooms and student/staff restrooms have been provided.
The new Gen7 buildings were constructed by American Modular Systems (AMS). AMS builds state of the art modular facilities that are designed to meet CHPS® and LEED® building standards for high performance schools. Two labs have been assigned to Emerson Junior High school and two assigned to Da Vinci Junior High School. Project completion was August 2021.

Key Information

Project Budget (2018)

  • $7.6 million 

Estimated Project Schedule

  • Groundbreaking: 2019-2020 school year
  • Occupancy: 2020-2021 school year

Project Status: Complete

Public Outreach

DJUSD has created a Public Outreach process. You can find details about ways you can learn about Bond Program projects and when and how to provide feedback at Bond Public Outreach.