Secondary Modified In-person Model

For more information about conditions to return to campus, visit our Returning Students to Campus website.

NOTE - If your student attends King High School or Davis School for Independent Study, please see their websites soon for schedule specifics.

Download the Quarter 4 Phase 4 Modified In-person Schedule PDFQuarter 4: April 4 - June 11, 2021
picture of secondary schedule. PDF available for download below.


  • In-person Instruction - Students participate through in-person instruction five (5) days a week, following the Quarter Four block schedule. Students are released home at the end of their last class period of the day and will participate in intervention and small group instruction time virtually.
  • At-home instruction - Distance Learners and those who are at home for any reason will follow their schedule and receive instruction by “Simulcast” from their classroom teacher. This instruction is live, synchronous instruction that is accessible to students in-person and at-home.
  • Meal Options - Snacks will be made available before school and students can eat outside and distanced during the break periods. Sites will designate a break for snacks by student group (e.g. grade level, by teacher, or other.) Lunch will be provided in “grab and go” bags to take home.
  • Intervention block - Intervention blocks will be used to support students who require extra support, including English Learner (EL) and Special Education support. This time may be in-person and/or virtual. Students who participated in a small cohort during DJUSD Phase 2 may remain on campus daily.
  • Small Group Instruction - This time period is primarily designed for Distance Learners and is provided through Zoom. Any student needing support can attend virtually. No new content is presented during small group instructional time. Students not in small group instruction use this time for independent work.
  • Teacher Collaboration, Preparation and Staff Meetings - Wednesday afternoon is designated for teacher collaboration, preparation time, and staff meetings. During teacher collaboration time, special education and general education teachers will incorporate the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) so that all students can access the general education curriculum.
  • Special Education and Academic Supports - Special Education (SPED) and academic supports will be delivered throughout the day. Note: SPED intervention times need to be prioritized over other services to ensure required goals and learning objectives are met. Push-in special education services will be scheduled to be provided to students during their in-person time and pull-out Special Education services will be scheduled to be provided outside the in-person time as much as possible. Schedules will vary by site. Distance Learners will continue to receive services and support virtually as scheduled by their case manager.
  • English Learner Services and Interventions - English Language Development is a state mandated subject and will be delivered in small groups throughout the day according to student language proficiency. Special services and interventions will be prioritized based on student need.
  • Distance Learning-Only Option - Instruction for students who choose to participate through Distance Learning will be provided instruction by “Simulcast” following students’ established schedule and support through the small group instruction block. This means that students opting for Simulcast will remain in their same classes, but will be Zooming into each class every day. Additional, targeted support is provided to Distance Learners through the Small Group Instruction block period.
  • Student Transitions between In-person and Distance Learning - Students will be allowed to transition to In-person learning once per week on Mondays. Requests for transition can be made Monday through Thursday. Students may transition to Distance Learning at any time.

Model Features:

  • Students and staff have an extended lunch period to provide travel time as needed.
  • Cleaning and disinfection of rooms will occur after students have left campus.
  • Clubs and co-curriculars will be available and must maintain adherence to health and safety protocols.
  • Cohort leads will support break supervision, traveling teachers, and instruction each morning.
  • Teachers will receive an additional 30 minutes of teacher preparation time daily, in addition to any regularly scheduled preparation periods.
  • In-person and Distance Learning students will receive 220 minutes of live instruction daily (this assumes a seven period day in quarter 4).
  • Students should expect approximately 60 minutes of asynchronous work during the school day.