TK/Kinder and Elementary Modified In-person Models

For more information about conditions to return to campus, visit our 
Returning Students to Campus website.)

Download the TK/Kinder Phase 4 Modified In-person Model PDF

TK/Kinder 5 Day AM/PM Model

picture of tk/kinder schedule. PDF available for download below.


  • Class Meeting (All) - This all-class meeting is SEL focused, including in-person and Distance Learning students and will be scheduled during the In-person learning block. Meeting will focus on class connection, framing work for the day, morning calendar time, and class meetings.
  • In-person Learning - Students participate in school-based activities five (5) days a week for 2.5 hours per day. In-person students will have 30 minutes of asynchronous learning during the day to meet minimum instructional minute guidelines of 180 minutes/day per SB 98.
  • Distance Learning - The Distance Learning block is dedicated to the instructional needs of Distance Learning students. On Wednesday Teachers will dedicate 50 minutes to Distance Learning after the morning Kindergarten session. Distance Learning students will have 70 minutes of asynchronous learning during the day to meet minimum instructional minute guidelines of 180 minutes/day per SB 98.
  • TK/K Classroom Support - AM and PM Kindergarten Teachers who share a classroom will support each other for 45-60 minutes on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Paraeducator support will be provided for TK/Kindergarten classrooms that don’t have a “partner” AM or PM teacher.
  • Wednesday Morning AM and PM In-person Learning - AM and PM students will all attend school on Wednesday mornings. Accommodating attendance will require use of additional classrooms, outdoor space, and common rooms (MPR, Library, etc.). Classes that share a classroom will schedule instruction in these alternative spaces on Wednesday mornings.
  • Teacher Collaboration, Staff Meeting and Preparation Time - Wednesday from 12:20 p.m. to 2:50 p.m. is designated for teacher collaboration and staff meetings. 

Model Features:

  • Meals and cleaning - Meals will be available for students at the end of each day and will include a lunch and breakfast for the next day for AM students. A breakfast and lunch for the next day will be provided for PM students. Meals will also be available for pick up for Distance Learners and groups not on campus. Custodial staff will clean and disinfect each room between AM and PM sessions and at the end of each day.
  • Special Education and Academic Supports - Special Education (SPED) and academic supports will be delivered throughout the day. Note: SPED intervention times need to be prioritized over other services to ensure required goals and learning objectives are met. Push-in Special Education services will be scheduled to be provided to students during their in-person time and pull-out Special Education services will be scheduled to be provided outside the in-person time as much as possible. Schedules will vary by site. Distance Learners will continue to receive services and support virtually as scheduled by their case manager.
  • English Learner Services and Interventions - English Language Development is a state mandated subject and will be delivered in small groups throughout the day according to student language proficiency. To limit the number of student groups mixing EL services may continue virtually or if practicable through push-in service in classrooms. Interventions will be prioritized based on student need.
  • Distance Learning Only Option - Students who choose to participate via Distance Learning will receive instruction from their current assigned teachers in the following modes:
    • Participation in a daily, all-class, synchronous meeting
    • Dedicated, synchronous virtual small group instruction
    • Asynchronous lessons, activities, and assignments as determined by the teacher
  • Student Transitions between In-person and Distance Learning - Students will be allowed to transition to In-person learning once per week on Mondays. Requests for transition can be made Monday through Thursday. Students may transition to Distance Learning at any time.
  • Health and Wellness - Each site will organize movement/recess breaks during in-person time on campus. These movement breaks will be staggered by classroom. Social Emotional Learning (SEL) will continue to be embedded in both synchronous and in-person classroom instruction.
  • Instructional Minutes - The daily minimum for total instructional minutes (including synchronous and asynchronous instruction) required in a Hybrid model are consistent with expectations outlined in Senate Bill 98 (SB98) and are noted in the Distance Learning guidelines in the table below. SB98 also requires a “daily live check-in” with all students.
  • Teacher Preparation - This is non-student time for teachers to prepare for their daily lessons. Teachers have 40-90 minutes per day for teacher preparation for a total 400 minutes per week.

Elementary Grades 1-6 5 Day Model


Download the Elementary Phase 4 Modified In-person Model PDF

picture of elementary schedule. PDF available for download below.


  • Class Meeting (All) - This 30 minute all-classmeeting is SEL focused, including in-person and Distance Learning students and will be scheduled during the 8:30-11:30 block. Meeting will focus on class connection, framing work for the day, morning calendar time, and class meetings.
  • In-person Learning - Students participate in-person five (5) days a week. In-person students will have 50-60 minutes of asynchronous learning during the day to meet minimum instructional minute guidelines of 230 minutes (Grades 1-3) and 240 minutes (Grades 4-6) per SB 98.
  • Distance Learning - The Distance Learning block is dedicated to the instructional needs of Distance Learning students. Distance Learning students will have an additional 80-90 minutes of asynchronous learning during the day to meet the minimum instructional minute guidelines of 230 minutes (Grades 1-3) and 240 minutes (Grades 4-6) per SB 98.
  • Teacher Collaboration, Staff Meeting Time - Wednesday from 12:55 p.m. to 2:25 p.m. is designated for teacher collaboration and staff meetings.

Model Features:

  • Meals and cleaning - Meals will be available for students at the end of each day and will include a lunch and breakfast for the next day. Meals will also be available for pick up for Distance Learners and groups not on campus. Custodial staff will clean and disinfect each room at the end of each day.
  • Special Subjects - Special subjects (Library, Music, Intermediate Science) are scheduled during a combination of in-person and at-home hours. Instruction will be delivered through a combination of in-person, virtual synchronous, and asynchronous instruction. Push-in special education services will be scheduled to be provided to students during their in-person time and pull-out special education services will be scheduled to be provided outside the in-person time as much as possible. Schedules for these subjects will vary by site and grade level. Intermediate Science teachers will provide in-person instruction. To accommodate health and safety guidelines maintaining consistent cohorts, teachers will need to push into the main classroom for instruction or have 1 cohort of students per day attend class in the designated science room.
  • Special Education and Academic Supports - Special Education (SPED) and academic supports will be delivered throughout the day. Note: SPED intervention times need to be prioritized over other services to ensure required goals and learning objectives are met. Push-in Special Education services will be scheduled to be provided to students during their in-person time and pull-out Special Education services will be scheduled to be provided outside the in-person time as much as possible. Schedules will vary by site. Distance Learners will continue to receive services and support virtually as scheduled by their case manager.
  • English Learner Services and Interventions - English Language Development is a state mandated subject and will be delivered in small groups throughout the day according to student language proficiency. Special services and interventions will be prioritized based on student need. In order to limit the mixing of groups and to minimize contact between students from different classrooms as much as possible, EL services will continue virtually until further notice.
  • Distance Learning Only Option - Students who choose to participate via Distance Learning will receive instruction from their current assigned teachers in the following
    • Participation in a daily, all-class, synchronous meeting in the morning
    • Dedicated, synchronous virtual small group instruction in the afternoon
    • Asynchronous lessons, activities, and assignments as determined by the teacher
  • Student Transitions between In-person and Distance Learning - Students will be allowed to transition to In-person learning once per week on Mondays. Requests for transition can be made Monday through Thursday. Students may transition to Distance Learning at any time.
  • Health and Wellness - Each site will organize movement/recess breaks during in-person time on campus. These movement breaks will be staggered by classroom.
    Social Emotional Learning (SEL) will continue to be embedded in both synchronous and in-person classroom instruction.
  • Instructional Minutes - The daily minimum for total instructional minutes (including synchronous and asynchronous instruction) required in a Modified In-person
    model are consistent with expectations outlined in Senate Bill 98 (SB98). SB98 also requires a “daily live check-in” with all students.
  • Teacher Preparation - This is non-student time for teachers to prepare for their daily lessons. Teachers have 65-75 minutes per day for teacher preparation for a
    total 365 minutes per week.