Preschool Modified In-person Model

For more information about conditions to return to campus, visit our 
Returning Students to Campus website.)

Download the Preschool Phase 4 Modified In-person Model PDF

DJUSD Children's Center Modified In-person Model - State Preschool

fee based preschool schedule. PDF available above


  • In-person Learning - Students participate through in-person instruction five (5) five days a week for 2.5 hours in the morning or afternoon.
  • Distance Learning - Distance Learning students will engage in synchronous and asynchronous virtual instruction with a designated preschool teacher.
  • Lunch (at home) - Students receive a snack at the end of their session to eat at home
  • Cleaning and Teacher Prep - In addition to cleaning by custodial staff, classroom teachers will sanitize the many hands-on manipulatives and toys that are
    prevalent in a preschool classroom.

*Colored Coded “Cubbies” are different class groups

Fee Based Full Day Preschool Program

picture of fee based preschool hybrid model. PDF available for download above.


  • In-person Instruction - Students participate in-person instruction four (5) days a week from 7:30am to 3:30pm.
  • Sack Lunch/ Pre-packaged Snack and Break/Recess - Students will eat a lunch and snacks brought from home or sack lunch provided by Student Nutrition
    Services. Students will eat outside as weather permits.
  • Rest Time/Teacher Breaks - Students in the full day program will rest in their classrooms. Blankets and sheets will need to be removed and taken home
    each day. Teachers and paraeducators will relieve each other during this time to allow for staff breaks.

  • Classroom and Disinfect Classrooms/Prep - In addition to cleaning by custodial staff, classroom teachers will sanitize the many hands-on manipulatives
    and toys that are prevalent in a preschool classroom.

*Colored Coded “Cubbies” are different class groups