Annual Registration Frequently Asked Questions


When does Annual Registration begin?
The DJUSD Parent Portal for Annual Registration will open on Monday, July 22, 2024 at 8:00AM PDT.

Why must legal parents or guardians complete Annual Registration every year?
Annual Registration is the process to grant permissions/preferences for students, review district forms, and update contact and medical information. School sites need this information to be able to effectively communicate with and support all families.

What is required to complete Annual Registration?

Legal parents or guardians must have their Personal Identification Number (PIN) and password to log-in to the DJUSD Parent Portal. Legal parents/guardians will receive an email about how to retrieve their unique PIN/Password and re-enrollment instructions for login the week of July 15, 2024. To complete Annual Registration, parents or guardians will need current medical, insurance, and emergency contact information for their student(s).  

Are there step-by-step instructions available when completing the Annual Registration?
Yes. Please access step-by-step instructions here:
English Instructions
Spanish Instructions

What if parents or guardians do not know or have forgotten their PIN/Password?

Legal parents or guardians may request your login information through the DJUSD Parent Portal at by selecting "forgot a PIN" or Forgot a password". Legal parents and guardians must provide the email address already on file with the District. Should there be any issues, please call the Technology Department at (530) 757-5300 x117, Monday- Friday between 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

What if the legal parent or guardian does not have a computer or internet or needs further assistance?

  • Call the Technology Help Desk between 8:00am - 3:00pm or your school office after August 14, 2024.  
    (530)757-5300 x117 (assistance in Spanish available).
  • Beginning August 5, 2024, legal parents and guardians may stop by the DJUSD Technology Department between 8:00am-12:00pm, Monday - Friday, and use a Chromebook to complete your Annual Registration or get your PIN/PASSWORD (please bring a photo ID, medical and insurance information). The DJUSD Technology Department's address is 526 B Street, Davis, CA.
  • After August 14, 2024, please visit your school office during normal hours for assistance with completing your Annual Registration (Please bring a photo ID, medical and insurance information). 
  • Computer and Internet assistance will safely be available at our Annual Registration Help Events.
    • Montgomery Elementary Library:  Monday, August 5 from 6:00pm to 8:00pm
    • Harper Junior High School, Room K63: Wednesday, August 7 from 6:00pm - 8:00pm
          Is Annual Registration available in Spanish?
          Yes. The Parent Connection Portal will prompt you to select language after login.

          Is it necessary  to complete separate Annual Registrations for each of my children in DJUSD?
          Yes. When you log in to the DJUSD Parent Portal, all of your children in the district will appear. You will need to update and complete the required information for each child. Certain information such as emergency contact data will transfer to each child's record with a click of a button.

          Can legal parents and guardians make changes information during the school year after completing Annual Registration?

          Yes. You can log in to the DJUSD Parent Portal and update information any time throughout the school year.

          Please note: ADDRESS CHANGES or updates that are legal in nature will require verification and must be completed in-person in your school office.

          What is the deadline for Annual Registration?                     
          Annual Registration must be completed before the first day of school (Monday, August 26, 2024). Families will receive reminders via email throughout August to complete Annual Registration.                     

          Do all parents/legal guardians need to complete Annual Registration for their student(s)?
          Only one legal parent or guardian is required to complete the Annual Registration process for their student(s) However, each legal parent or guardian has a unique pin and password to access the system and should update their own information separately to ensure school sites have the most up-to-date contact information for the upcoming school year.                

          What if I have more questions about Annual Registration?

          We are here to assist you! Please call the Technology Department at (530)757-5300 x117.  Once school offices re-open, please call or stop by your school office for assistance.