Microsoft Immersive Reader

In most Canvas pages, students will be able to view the Microsoft Immersive Reader to Open Immersive Readerenhance the reading experience in Canvas by improving accessibility and boosting reading comprehension. To view the immersive reading in Canvas select the "Immersive Reader" button at the top right of most Canvas pages. 

How do I use the Immersive Reader in Canvas?

The Immersive Reader will display tools and options to help enhance the student's reading experience. 

To manage the size of the text, view grammar options, and adjust reading preference by selecting an icon in the toolbar at the top right (1). Distractions are all over Canvas, but selecting the arrow icon can display the content in a full screen window (2). 

If you prefer to have the text read aloud, select the play button (3) and adjust the audio settings with the gear (4). 

To go back select the arrow on at the top left (5). 

View Immersive Reader