DJUSD Solar Community Outreach

solar news logo image Design planning is now under way for solar implementation at Montgomery and  Willett elementary schools. The installation of photovoltaic solar panels is a key step in our effort to expand renewable energy sources in DJUSD and at your neighborhood school site.

Please join the DJUSD Bond Team on for two meeting opportunities to hear about these changes and share any input or thoughts you may have about this solar project. Families, staff, neighbors and friends are all invited.

Solar placement proposal for Willett Elementary.

Solar placement proposal for Montgomery Elementary.

When:  Monday, November 13, 2023
Start Times:  First Meeting @ 3:30 p.m.
Second Meeting @ 5:30 p.m.
Where:  Willett Elementary Music Room, 1207 Sycamore Lane, Davis, CA 95616


When:  Tuesday, November 14, 2023
Start Times:  First Meeting @ 3:30 p.m.
Second Meeting @ 5:30 p.m.
Where:  Montgomery Elementary Music Room, 1441 Danbury St., Davis, CA 95618

Public comment, questions or concerns about this project are welcomed and encouraged. We will be reviewing feedback emailed to FacilityP[email protected] until the end of the public comment period on Monday, November 27, 2023 by 5:00 p.m.

Why is my school site not receiving solar installation?
  1. Fairfield Elementary - Electrical demand due to the small size of the facility does not make solar implementation feasible via a Power Purchase arrangement. We will be researching the installation of a small system with a focus on demonstration and education.

  2. Davis School for Independent Study and District Office: The District Office and DSIS campus do not lend themselves well to the installation of a large solar facility. This is due to the small parking lot size, abundance of mature trees in City right of way, and the cost of upgrading the roof structure on the existing buildings.

  3. Martin Luther King High: The Martin Luther King school site is too small and surrounded by many matures trees to accommodate solar arrays.

  4. Da Vinci High School: Due to the lack of available space to locate solar arrays, the system will be part of the Tech Hub project and funded through the Bond Program.  

Phased Solar Implementation at DJUSD

More than 8 sites cannot be constructed concurrently due to construction capacity. Therefore, DJUSD is planning to implement solar array construction in phases.

  • Phase One of the solar initiative will consist of school sites that can start and finish construction during summer 2023.
  • These planned sites include Emerson/DVJH, Harper, Holmes, Korematsu, Pioneer and the Operations Center.

Follow up for future phases will be provided at a later date.

Solar Virtual Community Outreach Presentations by School Site