Special Education Programs

Teacher at table with students

Designated Instruction and Services
and Related Services

These are supportive services necessary for the student to benefit educationally from the instructional program. An appropriate specialist provides the service which may include one or more of the following: language and speech development and remediation; adapted physical education; health and nursing services; instruction in the home or hospital; physical and occupational therapy; interpreter; specially designed vocational education and career development; counseling and guidance; psychological service other than assessment and development of the IEP; parent counseling and training; and other services based on the IEP.

Resource Specialist Program (RSP) 

Students with mild to moderate special education needs are educated in the Resource classroom through Resource Specialist Program at each site. In general, the program is a special education service that provides consultation and support to the general education staff and direct instruction and services to special education students who are assigned to regular classrooms for the majority of a school day.

Inclusion Program

Students with moderate to severe disabilities who require more intensive Special Education instruction and supports are educated primarily in the general education classroom with modifications to the general curriculum. Direct instruction in specified content areas may be provided to students in a separate classroom as designated. The inclusion teachers provide case management, academic and developmental assessments, direct instruction, and curriculum adaptations based on the needs of the students. This could include social skills training, behavior modification and intervention, and paraeducator support.

Primary Special Day Class - Birch Lane Elementary School

This program is for students in Kindergarten through sixth grade. It is for are students who are not ready for inclusion in a general education setting due to cognitive delays and behavioral issues. The class works on developing students' skills and improving their behavior so they can transition into an Inclusion program, and to be successful at their neighborhood school.


ED Foundations - Davis Senior High School

This is a program for students identified as emotionally disturbed. The students' emotional issues make it challenging for them to function in a general education setting. They require more emotional support and a more flexible learning environment. 

For additional information contact the Special Education Department at (530) 757-5300 x197