Anti-Bias and Racial Justice Resources

As our society re-examines and reckons with its racial present and past after the death of George Floyd, there are many resources for educators, students and families to expand the process of making relationships, classrooms and institutions freer from oppression. These resources are plentiful and change often; check back regularly for updates.

EmbraceRace and Facing History and Ourselves offer regular free webinars on a rich variety of topics for parents, families and classrooms. These are recorded so can be viewed any time. NEW! Check out Season 1 of the EmbraceRace podcast: How Kids Actually Learn About Race.

Teaching for Justice (formerly Teaching Tolerance) also offers excellent, teacher-developed classroom curriculum and standards.  Many others are listed in the sections below.

Aug 2019 The New York Times' 1619 Project includes articles, essays, poetry, fiction, photos observing the 400th anniversary of the beginning of American slavery.  The Pulitzer Center has a wealth of associated curricula, teacher guides and resources.

The Climate Office welcomes your suggestions for additional resources. Please send them to the Climate Coordinator.
For Teachers, Staff and Administrators
K-12 frameworks for anti-bias and social justice education: Clearly defined, comprehensive frameworks centered on Identity, Justice, Diversity and Action at Teaching Tolerance, along with many other resources, including classroom lessons and professional development.

For early educators: "They're Not Too Young to Talk About Race", a downloadable infographic and a page of resources.

25 Mini-Films for Teaching about Race, Bias and Identity with Students from the New York Times. Includes lesson ideas, links and discussion questions.

Resources for Teaching About Jewish Culture, History and Countering Anti-Jewish Oppression

Resources for Teaching about Islam, Islamic Culture, History and for Countering Anti-Muslim Oppression

National Equity Project: Current resources (June 2020). Oakland organization that offers workshops and services to support equitable educational systems. Some of their resources, protocols and tools are available through the Climate Office. Contact the Climate Coordinator for details.

EmbraceRace: A multiracial community of parents, teachers and other adults working together to meet the challenges that race presents to young people. Includes a blog, monthly conversations on Talking Kids & Race, Tip Sheets, and a comprehensive set of book reviews and reading lists.

Rethinking Schools: A magazine, a blog and many books that support anti-bias, social justice education. Some of their titles are available from the Climate Office library.

Facing History in Ourselves: A comprehensive site and curriculum empowering teachers & students to think critically about history & to understand the impact of their choices.

American Panorama - An Atlas of American History: A phenomenal set of interactive maps for researching inequity and opportunity in the United States, including Mapping Inequality: Redlining in New Deal America.

The Climate Office maintains a library of books and videos for anti-bias, pro-justice and multicultural education available to all staff. Contact the Climate Coordinator for a list of titles. These include Cracking the Codes and Mirrors of Privilege: Making Whiteness Visible, videos from World Trust with accompanying discussion modules, appropriate for professional development.

Other Resources:
The Ferguson Syllabus: Resources to use when teaching about race and social justice in the US.

Guidelines for Strong White Allies: By Paul Kivel

Facing Privilege: An insightful website with blog entries connecting Non-Violent Communication with eliminating racism

Inoculating Our Children Against Racism: From Hand in Hand Parenting

White Privilege Conference: An annual conference of educators, activists and others offering experiences, perspectives and tools for building equity and justice.

Constructivist Listening: A tool for supporting challenging work, especially helpful in processing experiences that elicit emotional responses.

For Students and Families
For all parents:
EmbraceRace: A multiracial community of parents, teachers and other adults working together to meet the challenges that race presents to young people. Includes a blog, monthly webinars on Talking Kids & Race, Tip Sheets and a comprehensive set of book reviews and reading lists.

Talking Race with Young Children: A 20-minute podcast from NPR with the Sesame Workshop and Beverly Daniel Tatum

Inoculating Our Children Against Racism: A short article from Hand in Hand Parenting about supporting young children in learning about and healing from the effects of racism.

100 Race-Conscious Things You Can Say to Your Child to Advance Racial Justice

Anti-Racism for Kids 101: Starting to talk about race from

For young children:
"They're Not Too Young to Talk About Race", a downloadable infographic and a page of resources.

Particularly for parents of white children:
Guidelines for Strong White Allies: A straightforward list of suggestions by Paul Kivel

White Awake: An online network and set of resources especially for people who are socialized as "white."

Constructivist Listening: A tool for supporting challenging work, especially helpful in processing experiences that elicit emotional responses.