Office of School Climate

Native American Students and Families

Are you the parent of a student who is enrolled in a Native American tribe or has a parent or grandparent who is enrolled in a Federally- or State-recognized tribe? If so, you can support the District's ongoing development of the Native American Education and Title VI Program by submitting an ED 506 Eligibility Form. If your child has Native American heritage but is not enrolled in a recognized tribe, and you would like for them to participate in the Native American Education Program, fill out this Family Participation Form. For more information, contact Program Coordinator Monica Shiel or the Climate Office.

Climate Coordinator
The position of Climate Coordinator was created to guide the Climate Committees, to keep the District apprised of school climate, and to recommend ways to address climate issues, such as changing policy, implementing programs, and supporting professional development.

The Climate Office administers the bi-annual California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS) and the annual Youth Truth Survey, and oversees the Restorative Practices programs of the District.

The Climate Coordinator initiates and supports activities to promote inclusion of students, staff, and families of marginalized groups, such as socio-economically disadvantaged families, African heritage, Native heritage, and other students. The Climate Coordinator sometimes works directly with families, students, and staff.

District Council of Climate Committees
The District Council of Climate Committees meets two to three times each year so that school climate committees, principals and the public can share initiatives and projects, and so that the work of the committees is calibrated with the Climate Office and District priorities.
History of the Climate Office
Climate Committees were instituted in Davis Schools in 2003, on the 20th anniversary of a terrible event on the Davis High School campus, when a Vietnamese immigrant student, Thong Hy Hyunh, lost his life in what was deemed a racially motivated attack by another student. The Board of Education created the model of Climate Committees  in order to pro-actively develop a positive school climate at each school in a way that involves all members of the school community.

Over the years the activities of the Climate Office have included research and implementation of climate surveys, the introduction of key understandings such as intersectionality and trauma-informed schools, development of policies and programs, development of multicultural calendars and resources, and the implementation of comprehensive initiatives such as restorative practices. 

Previous Climate Coordinators inlcude:
Mel Lewis
Mikael Villalobos
Multiracial Hands in a CircleStudents speak to community at We All Belong Forum

Kate Snow

Climate Coordinator

Office Address
526 B Street 
Davis, CA 95616

Office Phone
(530)757-5300 x108