Climate Data and Surveys

The Climate Office collects data in formal and informal ways throughout the year on the state of school climate in DJUSD.

Formal climate data comes from Youth Truth, given annually each fall (excepting Fall 2020, which was administered in Feb 2021), and the California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS), given in the spring every other year. Data from these surveys is analyzed and presented to the Superintendent and Board of Education, as well as to students, staff, Site Climate Committees, and others, and are used to inform school and District decisions about policies, programs and practices.

2023 California Healthy Kids Survey

Is being administered in the April and May. 

Elementary students are taking the Core, TUPE (Tobacco Use Prevention Education) and Mental Health Supports modules. Secondary students take the Core, Behavioral Health and Community Schools modules.  All surveys are available for viewing at the CalSCHLs website.

2021 California Healthy Kids Survey

Students in 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th grades are surveyed in the spring of odd-numbered years. See the Spring 2021 Elementary CHKS and Secondary CHKS results. Other past results can be accessed here.


Previous Data Briefs

One page graphic representations of selections of climate data from the student Youth Truth and CHKS surveys.
Youth Truth Survey

The Youth Truth survey is a student perception survey administered in the fall of each year since 2015.  
Students in grades 3 through 12 respond to between 50 and 95 questions on the electronically-administered elementary, junior high and senior high surveys. 

For the first time, in 2017, student survey codes linked by the survey organization to a limited set of student demographic data points allowed DJUSD to more accurately understand and analyze the responses according to students’ race and ethnicity, language learning level and parent education level.


The areas of inquiry covered by the Youth Truth survey are:

  • Student Engagement
  • Academic Rigor
  • Relationships with Teachers
  • Relationships with Peers
  • School Culture
  • College & Career Readiness
  • Academic Support Services
  • Strengths & Areas for Improvement
  • Inclusion and Diversity

    Reports are provided in an interactive electronic format to District and site leaders, and include a printable summary report to share with others.  The Climate Office also accesses the raw data files—through an agreement with the survey provider--to answer specific questions and provide deeper and more tailored analysis of district-wide data. See the Youth Truth questions here.

    School level reports are available from the individual sites.  

    California Healthy Kids Survey

    CHKS is the largest statewide survey of resiliency, protective factors, risk behaviors, and school climate in the nation.  It is administered electronically in the spring of odd-numbered years to students in grades 5, 7, 9 and 11.

    CHKS areas includes bullying and harassment, use of alcohol and other drugs, social and emotional health, student and staff relationships.

    More information about CHKS can be found at the CalSCHLS website, including the survey questions for the Core and supplemental modules

    CHKS results for 2019

    CHKS results for 2017

    How are these data being used?

    By the Climate Coordinator and District administrators

    • To identify new areas of concern across the District, such as the overall lower feeling of safety experienced by secondary students who do not identify as either male or female.
    • To illuminate areas of existing concern, such as the high rate of bullying and harassment experienced by 7th grade African-American students
    • To support policy and program changes, such as the recommendation to increase supports for and professional development related to gender identity, and also including changes to the LCAP.

    By principals:

    • To guide Climate Committees in creating social and emotional activities and programs that correspond to a site’s needs
    • To guide Site Councils in decision-making regarding site priorities and funds, such as the English Learner Connectedness report recently requested by and generated for DSHS Site Council.
    • To open staff conversations about the varied experiences of students across race and ethnicity, gender and grade, and to develop interventions, such as the recent observation and new plans to address the disparate experiences of intermediate boy and girls at one elementary school.
    • To guide parent conversations, and keep them based in the actual students’ perceptions of school.

    By staff:

    • To support student leaders in making data-based decisions regarding school activities and policies, such as the junior high that designed a series of staff and student activities in response to data that showed a lack of connection between staff and students.