Tax Assessments 

Property Tax Assessments

Homeowners will see DJUSD tax assessments on their annual property tax bills, usually received in Septermber or October each year. Property tax bills can include up to six DJUSD Agency assessments (two bond, two parcel tax and two community facility district or CFDs). Below is an outline of each assessment. Tax exemptions are available for Measure G, Measure H, and CFD #1 (a 50% exemption.) See Tax Exemptions for information on the application process

DJUSD (Agency) Voter-Approved Property Tax Direct Charges and Special Assessments for the 2023-24 Tax Year

Description Taxes Use
 DAVIS JUSD 2000 BD  Assessed Value x 0.00800 Tax Rate per $100  General Obligation Bond from 2000 for facilities, proceeds pay debt service; projected until 2027; no exemptions.
 DAVIS JUSD 2018 BD  Assessed Value x 0.060000 Tax Rate per $100  General Obligation Bond from 2018 for facilities, proceeds pay debt service; projected until 2048; no exemptions.
 DAVIS JUSD PARCEL TX MEASURE H   Direct Charge = $747.20 or No Assessment if exempted (Measure H)  General Fund parcel tax to fund programs. Senior and disability exemptions available.
 DAVIS JUSD PARCEL TX MEASURE G  Direct Charge = $220.33, or
No Assessment if exempted (Measure G)
 General Fund parcel tax to fund employee compensation. Senior, disability and employee exemptions available.
 DAVIS JT UN CFD #1  Direct Charge $298.35 or $149.18 with 50% Senior Exemption  Community Facilities District to pay for facilities projects; proceeds pay debt service. 50% senior exemption available.
 DAVIS JT UN CFD #2  Direct Charge of Rate per Square Foot (psf) x building square footage
($0.8906 psf  Residential;
$0.1336 psf Commercial)
 Community Facilities District in lieu of developer fees for facilities. Individual assessment on specific properties for 30 years; no exemptions.

Please get in touch with the Business Services Office for more information on DJUSD assessments.

Business Services
530-757-5300 x 122
[email protected]