Foster Youth

child, family, placement, happiness, family, court, case worker, plan, support, healing trauma, home, foster care, hope, love, safe, heart

Foster Youth

DJUSD Foster Youth Liaisons provide case management to all foster youth K-12.  They work with school staff, social workers, and families to assure foster youth are thriving and accessing their education.  Foster Youth Liaisons can advocate for additional supports to remove barriers; free transportation, lunch, and tutoring are all available to foster youth. 

Become a Resource Parent

There is a great need for resource (formerly known as foster) families in Davis. If you are interested in becoming a resource parent, or perhaps you are already caring for a relative’s child, there are organizations that provide information on how to become a resource parent or provide kinship care.

For more information, email Camica Edwards at [email protected].  
Foster Youth Education Rights (English)
Developed by the California Foster Youth Education Task Force, this summarizes the California Education Code sections pertaining to foster youth.

Foster Youth Ed Rights English.pdf
Foster Youth Educational Rights (Spanish
Desarrollado por el Grupo de Trabajo de Educación para Jóvenes de Crianza de California, esto resume las secciones del Código de Educación de California relativas a los jóvenes de crianza.

Foster Youth Ed Rights Spanish.pdf
Free Cell Phones for Foster Youth (Ages 13-26)
Smartphone ownership helps bridge the digital gap that foster youth feel among their non-fostered peers every day. Internet access is crucial when it comes to school work, job opportunities, and other obligations that come with being an independent adult, like taxes, insurance, and more.
La propiedad de un teléfono inteligente ayuda a cerrar la brecha digital que los jóvenes de crianza temporal sienten entre sus compañeros no acogidos todos los días. El acceso a Internet es fundamental cuando se trata del trabajo escolar, las oportunidades laborales y otras obligaciones que conlleva ser un adulto independiente, como impuestos, seguros y más.
Free Cell Phones for Foster Youth.pdf
24/7 Hotline Support for Foster Youth and Parents
Foster Youth Support.pdf

Foster Parent Support.pdf

The Family Urgent Response System (FURS) includes a statewide hotline as well as local mobile response teams to provide immediate trauma-informed support to current and former foster youth and their caregivers.

Local mobile response teams are comprised of compassionate, trained professionals who are available to provide face-to-face support during critical moments.

Both the statewide hotline and local mobile response teams are available 24/7/365.