School Connected Organizations

The Board of Education recognizes that parents/guardians and community members may wish to organize parent organizations and/or booster clubs for the purpose of supporting district and extracurricular programs.  The Board appreciates the contributions made by such organizations and encourages their interest and participation in supporting district activities and helping to achieve the District's vision for student learning. 

The term "school-connected organization" may include booster clubs, parent-teacher associations aligned with the California State PTA, or other parent-teacher organizations. 

Any organization that desires to raise money to benefit district students shall annually submit to the Board a request for authorization as a school-connected organization.  The request shall first be approved by the Superintendent's designee, the Associate Superintendent of Business Services.

Use the link below to complete your organization's request for the 2024-2025 school year.  Newly formed organizations can send (or email to [email protected]) a copy of your organization's bylaws to: 

Business Services
526 B Street 
Davis, CA  95616

ATTN: Audrey Madden

School Connected Organization Form

DJUSD Board Policy 1230
DJUSD Administrative Regulation 1230