Annual Registration

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! We are excited to start our process to ensure every student is enrolled and every family is connected and ready for school!

The first step in preparing for the new school year is for all new and returning families to complete the Annual Registration process for the 2024-2025 school year. This online process must be completed each year to grant permissions/preferences, review district forms, and update contact and medical information.

*New to DJUSD Families:

For families new to Davis, please visit our Enrollment Page for instructions on how to complete pre-enrollment, and the steps for providing the required documents. Once you have completed this step of the enrollment process,you will then complete Annual Registration.

Annual Registration Details for All Students (New and Returning):

FAQs English FAQs Spanish
  1. Annual Registration must be completed online through the DJUSD Parent Portal beginning on Monday, July 22, 2024 at 8:00AM PDT.
  2. Only a parent/legal guardian may complete Annual Registration in DJUSD by following the steps below.
  3. You will need to provide a valid email address to the school your child will attend.
  4. You will need your unique USERNAME and PASSWORD assigned to you by DJUSD.
  5. Parents and legal guardians may log in and update your online re-enrollment any time throughout the year.

Visit the Parent Portal to proceed with Annual Registration.