Districtwide Projects

Fencing Projects in DJUSD school building

General Information:

The Davis Joint Unified School District (DJUSD) is committed to providing safe and supportive learning environments consistent with the district’s mission and goals. As part of the Bond Program funding from Measure M, approved by voters in February 2019, the Board of Trustees have prioritized funding for fencing projects to improve access control on campuses. If you would lke to learn more about this important project, please visit our website for more information.

Project Status: DESIGN


Technology Infrastructure Master Plan tech icon

General Information:

DJUSD, in collaboration with KMM Consulting, recently finalized the DJUSD Technology Infrastructure Master Plan. The plan is a comprehensive overview of the District’s technology infrastructure. It includes a survey, evaluation and assessment of all aspects of the DJUSD infrastructure. Enhancements to the DJUSD Technology Infrastructure began in summer 2023. Improvements will include developments to network switches, replacements of wireless access points, upgrades to network cabinets and implementation of uninterruptible power supplies. Completion of this project is anticipated for summer 2026.

Project Status: CONSTRUCTION

Solar Implementation    solar image

General Information:

On June 20, 2019, the DJUSD Board of Education passed the Call to Climate Action Resolution supporting the District’s commitment to environmental education, sustainability and the continuing expansion of District-wide efforts to improve the energy efficiency of DJUSD schools.

On February 6, 2020, the Board of Education entered into a partnership with ARC Alternatives to help DJUSD develop a Solar Master Plan. One of the primary goals in the Solar Master Plan is to offset 80% of the District’s energy use through photovoltaic energy production (with solar panel arrays on most DJUSD campuses), a goal that exceeds CalGreen and Title 24 State requirements. The installation of photovoltaic solar panels is a key step in our effort to expand renewable energy sources in DJUSD and at your neighborhood school site.

Please visit our website to learn more about solar implementation at DJUSD.

Project Status:  CONSTRUCTION 


Hydration Stations water drop

General Information: 

The installation of hydration stations was one of the first district-wide Bond Projects and began construction in 2019. This student-initiated project allows students and staff to contribute to a sustainable environment by filling reusable water bottles throughout the day.

Project Status: COMPLETE


Public Outreach


DJUSD has created a rather extensive Public Outreach process and you can find details about ways you can learn about Bond Program projects and when and how to provide feedback at Bond Public Outreach.