Staff Health and Safety Training

                 Health-Related Staff Training Documents                 

All staff should review the following bulleted resources at the start of every school year:

Medication Training (with EpiPen) - Annual Office/Teacher In-Service

     1. Review training, resources, and videos in Medication Training button at the top of webpage. This includes:

     2. Complete the 
Medication Knowledge Check and alert your school nurse

     3.Stock Epinephrine Indemnity Acknowledgement to be completed by trained staff
Stock EpiPen for Anaphylaxis - Annual Staff Training

All staff should watch the following videos on how to use an AED and perform hands-only CPR. After watching videos, please complete this knowledge check.

Philips HeartStart OnSite: AED Demo Video
Philips HeartStart FRx: AED Demo Video
Philips HeartStart FRx: How To Use The Pediatric Key
Project ADAM: Hands Only CPR Video

Opioid Overdose and Stock Naloxone

All staff who wish to volunteer to administer life-saving naloxone should review the training on how to recognize signs of opioid overdose and save a life with naloxone.

1. Click the Opioid Overdose Training button at the TOP of this webpage
2. Complete the online Opioid Antagonist Volunteer Indemnity Acknowledgement
3. Contact your School Nurse to complete a skills check


Minutes count! Severe bleeding can lead to death in as little as 5 minutes. 

Bleeding control kits are available on all DJUSD campuses. Talk to your school nurse. How To Use A Tourniquet

All staff are encouraged to complete STOP THE BLEED training annually. After completing the interactive training linked below, certification through a skills-only class is encouraged, but not required.  

opens stop the bleed training in new window

Skills Training Checklists
Additional Resources

TB Screening
TB Risk Assessment Form to be completed with your health care provider. May be used in lieu of the TB skin test.
Hand Washing Poster