Native American Education and Title VI Program Overview

The goal of the Davis Joint Unified School District's Native American Education Program is to support the cultural identities of all Native American students in DJUSD while providing resources so they can fulfill their chosen educational goals. It is funded by Federal Title VI funds and a matching amount of DJUSD Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) funds.

Does your child qualify for the Federal Title VI Program?
A key component of the program is the Title VI Indian Education program. Last year DJUSD received funding from the Office of Indian Education, thanks to the support of many local students’ families, the Parent Leadership Team, and District staff. This program is funded based on the number of students who themselves, a parent or grandparent are a member of a Federally- or State-recognized tribe. If you believe this describes your student, please fill out the enclosed/linked form. If you would like assistance, please contact Program Coordinator Lorretta Wingo at [email protected].

Would you like your child to participate in the Native American Education Program?
The only requirement to participate is that a student is identified in the DJUSD student information system as Native American, Alaska Native, or Indigenous and that you’ve confirmed that you would like your student to participate. In order to confirm your interest in having your child participate in the the DJUSD Native American Education Program, please download the 506 form provided through our link and turn the form in to the school district office by:

  • Sending by U.S. Mail to 526 B Street, Davis, CA 95618, Attention: Climate Office.
  • Dropping it off at DJUSD Main Office at 526 B Street, 8:30 to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
  • Having it picked up by a DJUSD staff member. Schedule a pick -up of the form by contacting Coordinator Lorretta Wingo, [email protected] or by calling the Climate Office at 530-312-4672.
  • Form can also be emailed to Lorretta Wingo at [email protected].

The Importance of Federal Form 506
The number of students who fill out this form directly impacts the amount of funds allocated by the Federal Government for the benefit of Native American children in DJUSD. Your support in filling out and returning these forms is greatly appreciated. Note: while not all Native American students will be eligible under Form 506, all Native American students in DJUSD will be served by the Native American Education program because it is also supported by matching LCAP funds.

506 Form
Digital ED 506 Form 
American Indian Tribal List
Tribal Directory

If you have questions, comments, or would like assistance with any part of this process, please don’t hesitate to contact Lorretta Wingo, Program Coordinator at [email protected], or Kate Snow, District Climate Coordinator, at [email protected], or (530) 757-5300 x108.