
If you suspect your student has a communicable disease, contact your 
health care provider.

Your school nurse can help determ
ine which diseases require exclusion from school or reporting to Yolo County Health and Human Services.

School nurse
s work with the health department to monitor and manage communicable disease outbreaks and coordinate prevention programs. Yolo County Infectious Disease Control 

Is My Student Too Sick To Attend School?


1.  If you have any symptoms of a respiratory virus:
     a)  stay home until you are fever-free for 24 hours without fever reducing medicine AND
     b)  other symptoms are mild and improving.

2.  Follow CDPH Respiratory Viruses Guidance, which recommends wearing a mask around others for 5 days upon returning to school and other activities.


CDPH symptom management guidance is intended to help families and schools reduce the spread of undiagnosed infectious disease while supporting attendance and school engagement. It does not replace health care provider recommendations or current COVID-19 guidelines.

See CDPH Symptom Management Flyers below for more information.

Updated CDPH TK-12 School Guidance can be found HERE

Illness and Injury Staff Resources
The following are resources for health office staff and administration to help maximize student educational/instructional time in the classroom while protecting the health and well-being of the school community and teaching students the importance of health and self-care. 

Illness Letter with Symptom Guidance

Injuries: A Quick Reference
        link to waste water tracking